dynpy.graphdynamics - Module for implementing dynamical systems on graphs

Module which implements dynamical systems on graph

class dynpy.graphdynamics.RandomWalkerBase(graph)[source]

Bases: DiscreteStateVectorDynamicalSystem, StochasticDynamicalSystem


This method runs the dynamical system for max_time starting from start_state and returns the result. In fact, this method is set at run-time by the constructor to either _iterateDiscrete or _iterateContinuous depending on whether the dynamical system object is initialized with discrete_time=True or discrete_time=False. Thus, sub-classes should override _iterateDiscrete and _iterateContinuous instead of this method. See also dynpy.dynsys.DynamicalSystem.iterateOneStep()

start_statenumpy array or scipy.sparse matrix

Which state to start from


Until which point to run the dynamical system (number of iterations for discrete-time systems or time limit for continuous-time systems)

numpy array or scipy.sparse matrix

End state

discrete_time = True

Whether the dynamical system obeys discrete- or continuous-time dynamics

get_attractor_basins(sort=False, start_state_iter=None)

Computes the attractors and basins of the current discrete-state dynamical system.

sortbool, optional

Whether to sort attractors and basin states (slower).

start_state_iteriterator, optional

Iterator to indicate which start-states to start from. If not specified, tries all states.

basin_attslist of lists

A list of the the attractor states for each basin (basin order is from largest basin to smallest).

basin_stateslist of lists

A list of all the states in each basin (basin order is from largest basin to smallest).

get_trajectory(start_state, max_time, num_points=None, logscale=False)

This method get a trajectory of a dynamical system starting from a particular starting state.


Which state to start from


Until which point to run the dynamical system (number of iterations for discrete-time systems or time limit for continuous-time systems)

num_pointsint, optional

How many timepoints to sample the trajectory at. This determines how big each ‘step size’ is. By default, equal to int(max_time)

logscalebool, optional

Whether to sample the timepoints on a logscale or not (default)

trajectory: numpy array

Array of states corresponding to trajectory


This method runs a discrete-time dynamical system for 1 timestep. At run-time, the construct either repoints this method to _iterateOneStep for discrete-time systems, or removes it for continuous time systems.

start_statenumpy array or scipy.sparse matrix

Which state to start from

numpy array or scipy.sparse matrix

Iterated state

num_vars = None

The number of variables in the dynamical system


Prints the attractors and basin of the dynamical system

>>> import dynpy
>>> rules = [ ['a',['a','b'],[1,1,1,0]],['b',['a','b'],[1,0,0,0]]]
>>> bn = dynpy.bn.BooleanNetwork(rules=rules)
>>> bn.print_attractor_basins()
* BASIN 1 : 2 States
      a      b
      1      0
* BASIN 2 : 1 States
      a      b
      0      0
* BASIN 3 : 1 States
      a      b
      1      1
property var_name_ndxs

A mapping from variables names to their indexes


The names of the variables in the dynamical system

class dynpy.graphdynamics.RandomWalkerEnsemble(graph, discrete_time=True, issparse=True)[source]

Bases: MarkovChain

This intializes a stochastic dynamical system representing a random walker on a graph.dynpy.sample_nets.karateclub_net

graphnumpy array

Matrix representing the adjacency or weighted connectivity of the underlying graph

discrete_timebool, optional

Whether walker should follow discrete (default) or continuous time dynamics. Only discrete time dynamics are supported for individual walkers, though a distribution of walkers created using the dynpy.dynsys.MarkovChain supports both.

issparsebool, optional

Whether to use a sparse or dense transition matrix.

discrete_time = True

Whether the dynamical system obeys discrete- or continuous-time dynamics

classmethod from_deterministic_system(base_sys, issparse=True)

Alternative constructor creates a a Markov Chain from the transitions of an underlying deterministic system. It maintains properties of the underlying system, such as the sparsity of the state transition matrix, and whether the system is discrete or continuous-time. The underlying system must be an instance of dynpy.dynsys.DeterministicDynamicalSystem and dynpy.dynsys.DiscreteStateDynamicalSystem.

For example, for a Boolean network:

>>> import dynpy
>>> yeast = dynpy.sample_nets.budding_yeast_bn
>>> bn = dynpy.bn.BooleanNetwork(rules=yeast)
>>> bnEnsemble = dynpy.markov.MarkovChain.from_deterministic_system(bn, issparse=True)
>>> init = bnEnsemble.get_uniform_distribution()
>>> trajectory = bnEnsemble.get_trajectory(init, max_time=80)

If we wish to project the state of the Markov chain back onto the activations of the variables in the underlying system, we can use the ndx2state_mx matrix. For example:

>>> import dynpy
>>> import numpy as np
>>> yeast = dynpy.sample_nets.budding_yeast_bn
>>> bn = dynpy.bn.BooleanNetwork(rules=yeast)
>>> bn_ensemble = dynpy.markov.MarkovChain.from_deterministic_system(bn, issparse=True)
>>> init = bn_ensemble.get_uniform_distribution()
>>> final_state = bn_ensemble.iterate(init, max_time=80)
>>> print(np.ravel(final_state.dot(bn.get_ndx2state_mx()))) 
[0.          0.05664062  0.07373047  0.07373047  0.92236328  0.          0. 
 0.          0.91503906  0.          0.        ]

Dynamical system over whose states the Markov chain will be defined

issparsebool, optional

Whether transition matrix should be in sparse or dense matrix format


Get equilibrium state (i.e. the stable, equilibrium distribution) for this dynamical system. Uses eigen-decomposition.

numpy array or scipy.sparse matrix

Equilibrium distribution

get_trajectory(start_state, max_time, num_points=None, logscale=False)

This method get a trajectory of a dynamical system starting from a particular starting state.


Which state to start from


Until which point to run the dynamical system (number of iterations for discrete-time systems or time limit for continuous-time systems)

num_pointsint, optional

How many timepoints to sample the trajectory at. This determines how big each ‘step size’ is. By default, equal to int(max_time)

logscalebool, optional

Whether to sample the timepoints on a logscale or not (default)

trajectory: numpy array

Array of states corresponding to trajectory


Return uniform starting distribution over all system states.

iterate(start_state, max_time)

This method runs the dynamical system for max_time starting from start_state and returns the result. In fact, this method is set at run-time by the constructor to either _iterateDiscrete or _iterateContinuous depending on whether the dynamical system object is initialized with discrete_time=True or discrete_time=False. Thus, sub-classes should override _iterateDiscrete and _iterateContinuous instead of this method. See also dynpy.dynsys.DynamicalSystem.iterateOneStep()

start_statenumpy array or scipy.sparse matrix

Which state to start from


Until which point to run the dynamical system (number of iterations for discrete-time systems or time limit for continuous-time systems)

numpy array or scipy.sparse matrix

End state


This method runs a discrete-time dynamical system for 1 timestep. At run-time, the construct either repoints this method to _iterateOneStep for discrete-time systems, or removes it for continuous time systems.

start_statenumpy array or scipy.sparse matrix

Which state to start from

numpy array or scipy.sparse matrix

Iterated state

property num_states
num_vars = None

The number of variables in the dynamical system

project(keep_vars, initial_dist=None)

Create a Markov chain by projecting an existing Markov chain over a multivariate dynamical system onto a subset of those variables.

For example:

>>> import dynpy
>>> r = [
...     ['x1', ['x1','x2'], lambda x1,x2: (x1 and x2) ],
...     ['x2', ['x1','x2'], lambda x1,x2: (x1 or  x2) ],
... ]
>>> bn = dynpy.bn.BooleanNetwork(rules=r, mode='FUNCS')
>>> bnensemble = dynpy.markov.MarkovChain.from_deterministic_system(bn, issparse=False)
>>> proj = dynpy.markov.MarkovChain.project(bnensemble, [0])
>>> print(proj.transition_matrix) 
[[1.   0. ]
 [0.5  0.5]]

List of variables to keep


Marginalize using this distribution for starting conditions

transition_matrix = None

Transition matrix for linear system.

property var_name_ndxs

A mapping from variables names to their indexes


The names of the variables in the dynamical system